The College Alliance Recommends: Your Guide to Navigating the UK Skills Landscape
11 March 2025
The further education (FE) and skills sector is constantly evolving. To help you stay informed, The College Alliance recommends Edge's short guide to FE and skills across the four nations of the UK.
The guide looks at:
- Devolution means divergence: Each nation has its own approach to education and skills.
- Skills shortages: The guide highlights the skills shortages crisis facing each nation.
- Key policy developments: The guide emphasises key policy developments in each nation.
- Apprenticeships and vocational qualifications: Apprenticeships are a core component of skills systems in all four nations, and each nation is also addressing challenges in delivering technical and vocational qualifications.
- Employer engagement: There is a clear need for better employer engagement across the board.
This updated guide offers valuable resource for understanding the complexities of the FE and skills sector across the UK, and will help you to stay informed about the changing policy landscape.
Find our more and explore the full report on the Edge website.