WATCH RECORDING: The English College of the Future Final Report Launch Event
18 November 2020

What do we want and need from our colleges from 2030 onwards, and how do we get there? These were the simple yet important questions the Independent Commission on the College of the Future sought to answer when it began work last spring.
On Wednesday 18 November the Independent Commission on the College of the Future to discuss its new final report for England.
Following the publication of the Commission’s UK-wide final report last month, it is now setting out recommendations for realising its vision for the college of the future in England.
Chaired by AoC’s Chief Executive David Hughes, this fringe event of the FE Summit marks the launch of this ambitious, new report, in anticipation of the publication of the UK Government’s FE White Paper.
We are delighted to be joined by the following speakers:
- The Rt Hon Professor the Lord David Blunkett, Former Secretary of State for Education and Employment
- The Rt Hon Lord Willetts FRS, President of the Resolution Foundation
- Amanda Melton CBE, Commissioner and Nelson & Colne College Group CEO
- Nora Senior CBE, Commissioner and Past-President British Chambers of Commerce
- Professor Ewart Keep, Commissioner and an emeritus professor in Education, Training and Skills at the Department of Education, Oxford University
This free online event is open to all with an interest in the college of the future. It will take place on Zoom and you will receive the link on the day of the event. A recording of the event will be available after the event on this website.
You can submit questions for speakers or about the event by emailing Philippa Alway.
Join in the conversation on social media using @CollegeComm and #CollegeoftheFuture.
This report will be followed in the coming weeks and months by similar publications specifically on realising the Commission’s vision in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
This event is kindly supported by the Association of Colleges’ events team.