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WATCH RECORDING: The College of the Future for Wales Final Report Launch Event


26 January 2021

Beth ydyn ni ei eisiau a'i angen gan ein colegau o 2030 ymlaen, a sut ydyn ni'n cyrraedd yno? Dyma'r cwestiynau syml ond pwysig y ceisiodd y Comisiwn Annibynnol ar Goleg y Dyfodol eu hateb pan ddechreuodd weithio’r gwanwyn diwethaf.

Ymunwch â'r Comisiwn Annibynnol ar Goleg y Dyfodol ddydd Mawrth 26 Ionawr, 2pm-3pm, i drafod ei adroddiad newydd ar gyfer Cymru.
Yn dilyn cyhoeddi adroddiad terfynol ar gyfer y DU gyfan gan y Comisiwn ym mis Hydref, mae bellach yn amlinellu argymhellion ar gyfer gwireddu ei weledigaeth ar gyfer coleg y dyfodol ym mhob un o'r pedair gwlad.

Ynglŷn â'r digwyddiad hwn

Rydym yn falch iawn o groesawu’r siaradwyr canlynol:

  • Yr Athro Ellen Hazelkorn - Comisiynydd a Phartner Rheoli ar y Cyd, Ymgynghorwyr Addysg BH Associates, Iwerddon
  • David Jones OBE DL - Comisiynydd a chyn Brif Weithredwr, Coleg Cambria
  • Guy Lacey - Pennaeth yng Ngholeg Gwent a Gadeirydd ColegauCymru
  • Shavanah Taj - Ysgrifennydd Cyffredinol TUC Cymru
  • Kathryn Roberts - Chadeirydd, CBI Cymru

Mae'r digwyddiad ar-lein hwn am ddim, ac mae’n agored i bawb sydd â diddordeb yng ngholeg y dyfodol. Fe’i cynhelir trwy Zoom, a byddwch yn derbyn y ddolen ar ddiwrnod y digwyddiad. Bydd recordiad o'r digwyddiad ar gael ar ôl y digwyddiad ar wefan y Comisiwn.

Gallwch gyflwyno cwestiynau ar gyfer y siaradwyr neu ynglŷn â’r digwyddiad trwy e-bostio The College Alliance.

Ymunwch yn y sgwrs ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol gan ddefnyddio @CollegeComm a #CollegeoftheFuture.

What do we want and need from our colleges from 2030 onwards, and how do we get there? These were the simple yet important questions the Independent Commission on the College of the Future sought to answer when it began work last spring.

Join the Independent Commission on the College of the Future on Tuesday 26 January, 2pm-3pm, to discuss its new report for Wales.

Following the publication of the Commission’s UK-wide final report in October, it is now setting out recommendations for realising its vision for the college of the future in each of the four nations.

About this event

We are delighted to be joined by the following speakers:

  • Professor Ellen Hazelkorn - Commissioner and Joint Managing Partner, BH Associates Education Consultants, Ireland
  • David Jones OBE DL - Commissioner and former CEO, Coleg Cambria
  • Guy Lacey - Principal at Coleg Gwent and ColegauCymru Chair
  • Shavanah Taj - General Secretary of Wales TUC
  • Kathryn Roberts - Chair, CBI Wales

This free online event is open to all with an interest in the college of the future. It will take place on Zoom and you will receive the link on the day of the event. A recording of the event will be available after the event on the Commission's website.

You can submit questions for speakers or about the event by emailing The College Alliance.

Join in the conversation on social media using @CollegeComm and #CollegeoftheFuture.