Coleg y Dyfodol ar gyfer Cymru
Adroddiad terfynol ar gyfer gwlad benodol
The College of the Future for Wales
A nations-specific final report

What do we want and need from our colleges from 2030 onwards, and how do we get there? These were the simple, yet fundamental questions the Commission set out to answer when it began work in Spring 2019.
As the Commission reaches its concluding stages, its UK-wide final report set out a rallying cry for radical and decisive action - enabling colleges to be part of a more joined-up, all-age education and skills system, which enables individuals ultimately to have greater agency and opportunities across their lifetimes.
Now, the Commission has published the third of its nations-specific final reports. This report is on the College of the Future for Wales
Currently, the restructuring of the college system through previous reforms means that colleges are increasingly able to together support people, increase productivity and strengthen communities. There are exemplary practices in how colleges work with each other, businesses and other institutions across the education system.
We believe the current policy trajectory of collaboration in Wales must go further to ensure that the education and skills system keeps up what the future of Wales and the world will need.
The new report, The College of the Future for Wales, is calling for a radical shift in the role of colleges in the future vision of education and training in Wales so that they can truly deliver on the lifelong learning that is needed.
This report makes a number of central recommendations, which reaffirm and build on themes set out in the UK-wide final report.

1 - Create a national vision for skills and lifelong learning and making it a reality through a holistic, coherent and equitable post-compulsory education and training system that has a single funding and regulatory body
2 - Tackle inequalities and deliver for people of all ages by establishing a statutory right to lifelong learning to ensure quality education for all, with cost never a barrier

3 - Ensure colleges are empowered to collaborate to support their communities to thrive by establishing a legal duty on governing bodies to consider regional needs
4 - Strategically support businesses with skills and innovation by coordinating sector or occupation-focussed support through employer hubs, with colleges convening strategic support

5 - Drive digital transformation of the college network and the wider Welsh economy through the creation of digital community hubs in colleges and setting up a fund for digital learning and infrastructure
Taking forward the Commission’s vision looks different in each of the four nations. While there are common challenges and opportunities for colleges across the four nations, the recommendations in the nations-specific reports are distinct and particular to the policy and political contexts.
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College of the Future publications
- College of the Future research progress report
- The College of the Future UK-Wide Final Report
- The English College of the Future
- The Scottish College of the Future
- Coleg y Dyfodol ar gyfer Cymru
- The College of the Future for Wales
- The Northern Ireland College of the Future
- Workforce of the future
- Going further and higher