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Runshaw College - Strongman / Stongwoman competiton

21 February 2025

On Wednesday 2nd April, Runshaw College will be hosting a Strongman / Strongwoman competition

  • Venue: the Hawkshead building of Runshaw College
  • Registration and Warm ups: 1200
  • Competition starts:12:45

The competition will have three separate events: a deadlift, an overhead press and also a carry event.


1. Deadlift for Max Weight

This will be on a Deadlift Bar

Athletes to choose which weight to come in at.

You can skip any weight but cannot move back down to a lower weight.

Once you have failed a weight, your previous successful weight will count as your best.

Deadlift must be in conventional stance. (NO SUMO).

Lifting straps and lifting belts are allowed

Starting weight for males 170kg

Starting weight for females 80kg

2. Axle Clean & press for reps

Axle is a barbell that is thicker than a normal Olympic bar and doesn’t rotate at the end in the same way

Athletes will have 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible. The Axle needs to be lifted from the floor to overhead.

This can be done any way possible, clean and jerk / push press / strict press etc

Wrist wraps and Lifting belts allowed

Weight for males 75kg

Weight for females 40kg

3. Farmers Walk into Yoke Walk for quickest time

15 metre course

Athletes need to carry the farmers handles over the course in the quickest possible

Farmers handles can be dropped as many times as needed.

Once the farmers have been moved 15 metres, the yoke will need to be carried 15 metres

Weight for males 90kg Farmers (per hand) / 190kg Yoke

Weight for females 50kg Farmers (per hand) / 95kg Yoke

If you have any interested students, please contact Jonny Tuson – With their name could you also make a comment on current strength levels, for example what is their estimated Deadlift 1RM.

Deadline to respond is the 21st March 2025