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AoC Sport statement on DfE guidance

04 September 2020

AoC Sport welcomes the recent guidance from DfE which includes specific details around college participation in sport and physical activity. Colleges now have the flexibility to decide how they deliver sport and physical activity in sports approved by DCMS. We also welcome the recognition that in some instances there may be exceptions to students remaining in bubbles. The guidance states, “Both the approaches of separating groups and maintaining distance are not ‘all or nothing’ options and will still bring benefits even if implemented partially. You may keep students in their groups for most of the time, but also allow mixing into wider groups for specialist teaching, wrap around care and transport". AoC Sport understands that this means colleges can choose to make an exception to their arrangements in order to deliver sports where NGBs have approved guidance. This includes external fixtures that are operated in line with that guidance. All of this however should be risk assessed with strict control measures and is at the discretion of the college. Dean Hardman, Director of Sport and Student Experience at AoC, said: "Sport and physical activity are vital components of college life and contribute significantly to the mental and physical health of staff and students. "We are very pleased that DfE have confirmed that such activities, including approved contact sports, are permitted in colleges and we encourage all of our members to consider how they can provide opportunities for their students to participate."