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Course Information

The programme is in a modular format and comprises ten taught modules. This will include an Induction session looking at advanced study skills, a Birmingham orientation session, an introduction to the course, an outline of expectations and the programme

of required assignments.

Modules 1 to 9 are the taught elements of the course, representing 22.5 hours of taught time per module.

The final Transition module will involve the completion of a community development project plan and a media project in the form of a short documentary film describing the learning process on the course.

  • Module 1: Leadership Skills
  • Module 2: Political Systems
  • Module 3: Citizenship
  • Module 4: Education and National Development
  • Module 5: Peace, Violence and Conflict
  • Module 6: International Rights and Responsibilities
  • Module 7: Environmental Change and Sustainability
  • Module 8: International Trade and Economic Systems
  • Module 9: Local Influence to Global Citizenship
  • Module 10: Project Planning

    Participants have a choice of taking one or more modules or the whole 10-week course.

Module 1: Leadership Skills

The module will explore:

  • leadership and leading groups
  • leadership power and authority
  • team building
  • team management
  • understanding teams
  • the culture of learning through interaction
  • listening skills
  • presentation skills
  • public speaking

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module students will:

  • understand the concepts of leadership
  • improve their range of leadership skills
  • have developed study, research and evaluative skills and have an understanding of the expectations of the programme
  • be aware of the place of listening, discussing and presenting in the establishment of relationships and the culture of learning and leading
  • be aware of the nature of teams
  • be aware of the skills required for good public speaking
  • have improved their persuasive speaking skills
Module 2: Citizenship

Citizenship requires the active participation of individuals in their communities, at national and at international levels. Citizenship education aims to ensure an open and fair society.

Students will examine a number of topics including:

• key concepts in citizenship, including knowledge, values and skills; democracy and participation;

the relationships between individuals, community and society

• who counts as a citizen? Issues of democracy, identity, migration, nationalism, refugees and asylum seekers, minors

• the legal and moral responsibilities of citizenship

• what is global citizenship?

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module students will:

• be aware of different models of citizenship, struggles for citizenship status, key concepts

• be aware of a range of contemporary issues and international examples with regard to citizenship, for example concerning multiculturalism, nationalism and globalisation

• have begun to outline their own personal roles and responsibilities as a citizen

Module 3: Political Systems

This module will examine:

  • political ideologies: democracy, liberalism, Marxism, anarchism, nationalism
  • how democracies function and change
  • alternative political systems in practice, e.g. communist societies, dictatorships, one- party states, monarchies and theocracies
  • parliamentary debate
  • Using political ideas: Rights, rights abuse and asserting rights

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module students will:

  • be able to identify a range of different political systems including: democracy, one-party states, theocracy, monarchy etc
  • have an understanding of different types of democracy: (participative, representative, deliberative etc
  • have an understanding of how democracy is interpreted in different countries and in accordance with different cultures and religions
Module 4: International Rights and Responsibilities

This module provides an introduction to international legal and value systems:

Students should understand how formal and informal international systems of justice and accountability have been developed to ensure people's rights.

This modules covers:

  • notions of justice and rights
  • accountability and leadership
  • international agreements about rights, e.g. human rights, children's rights, women's rights, minority rights
  • the work of relevant UN organizations
  • international forums for justice, e.g. the European Court of Justice, and the International Criminal Court.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module students will:

  • have a general knowledge of relevant international agreements
  • have an understanding of concepts of justice and the ways to achieve justice
  • be aware of the work of a range of relevant international organisations

Module 5: International Trade and Economic Systems

This module provides an introduction to international trade and economic systems.

Students will examine the interaction of different systems of power and international regulation.

This module will consider:

  • globalisation
  • international economic systems
  • World trade and regulation
  • international organizations such as the World Bank.
    WTO, IMF, ADB. Microbanks and cooperatives
  • Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) - ethical banking
    and investment
  • world debt and poverty
  • the work of Jubilee 2000 and the international debt campaigns.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module students will:

  • gain a basic understanding of international monetary and economic systems
  • develop an awareness of the dynamics of world trade and international agreements
  • become aware of different types of trade and economic systems within the context of globalisation and how to analyse their implications
  • gain an awareness of regional systems such as the EU, AU, and ASEAN
  • be aware of the work of a range of relevant international organizations

Module 6: Education & National Development

This module explores the relationships between education and various forms of national development - economic, social and political.

It aims to look at three perspectives of education:

(a) the assumption that formal education improves society and the quality of life of the individual.

(b) that formal education can contribute to harming society and individuals.

(c) that formal education actually reproduces existing society and its attendant inequalities.

The module uses examples from a wide range of countries and students will be asked to reflect on their own educational experiences.

These ideas are examined from a number of perspectives:

• what is education for?

• what is development?

• how does education relate to development?

• education as investment (human capital theory)

• school, work and inequality (reproduction theory)

• education and modernisation

• education, gender and development

• education and pluralism

• Citizenship Education 1: The Political Nature of Education

• Citizenship Education 2: Education, Democracy and Development, education and social issues (HIV/AIDS, crime and drugs).

Students will develop skills of critical analysis, discussion and the ability to contextualise debates on education and development to their own countries.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module students will:

• have identified their current position on the purposes of education in a society

• be aware of different definitions of 'development' in a society

• be aware of the different models relating education to development (or constraints to development)

• have an understanding of key areas of inequality and difference in a society, such as ethnicity or gender, and the relationship of education to these

• be aware of different models and aims of citizenship and civics education

• have developed ideas about the role of education, both formal and informal, in addressing social challenges such as HIV/AIDS, crime and drugs

Module 7: Environmental Change and Sustainability

Environmental change and sustainable development are dynamic concepts open to a wide variety of interpretations.

Concern for the environment, both natural and human, is central to many personal and community decisions.

The basis for this module is that education for sustainable development should develop awareness, understanding and respect for the natural and human environments. It will encourage students to consider their commitment to sustainable development at a personal, local, national and global level.

Students will be able to develop the knowledge, skills, understanding and values to participate in decisions about the way we 'do things'. Under the central precept of ‘re-connecting people to planet’, this module will look at model examples of unsustainable human activity, and emerging best practice for sustainable living and human wellbeing. Topics for study will include, population growth, resource depletion, species extinction, global warming and food supply.

Students will be given the intellectual opportunity to 'think globally - act locally'. Issues such as transportation, housing, water and energy supply will be explored. Underlying causes of environmental pressure such as population increase will be examined and global political solutions discussed.

This module will:

• clarify assumptions about environmental change and sustainable development

• develop understanding and promote critical analysis of the relationship between ecological, social, political and economic principles and sustainable development

• include and account for positive models and successful case studies of sustainable development in action

• encourage students to engage values and personal actions which are integral to the achievement of sustainable development

• encourage active participation in decision making and critique regarding sustainable development.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module students will:

• have developed greater awareness of the natural and human environments in which they live, and of key contemporary issues such as population growth, resource depletion and species extinction

• be able to discuss definitions of 'sustainable development'

• be able to critically analyse the relationship between ecological, social, political and economic principles and sustainable development

• be able to identify personal values and actions which are integral to the achievement of sustainable development

• as consumers, be able to make informed judgments and understand their rights and responsibilities

• be able to make the connections between local and global issues in the environment and examine global political solutions to problems

Module 9: Local Influence to Global Citizenship

This module will draw together the strands of all the previous modules to explore how they can function in a real context. Participants will have the opportunity to produce a short documentary film to illustrate their points of view.

It will involve an overview of the City of Birmingham and the aspects of citizenship displayed there.

Investigations will be conducted at sites such as:

  • Birmingham City Council Chamber
  • Cadburys, Rover, Biffa Waste
  • museums and libraries, leisure and community centres
  • mosques, churches and other faith centres

The aim of this module is to establish how local concerns are linked to national and global issues, and what the various points of influence and change are.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module students will:

  • have made presentations to the whole group
  • have developed their research skills and research confidence
  • have a greater understanding of how local concerns are linked to national and global issues
  • be able to draw together the strands of the previous five modules
  • be able to produce a documentary film to draw the modules together

Module 10: Project Planning

The Transition module gives students the opportunity to reflect upon the work already covered and the relevance of that work to their living and working environments in their home country.

This module is a time when students gain advice and draw together the final phase of the CIC programme, Experience (work-based research opportunities) for their personal community project plan or research topic which is a requirement of the course.

This is also the time to take specific academic advice on progression paths from the course to further education or employment.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module students will:

  • have completed a personal project plan
  • be able to articulate the relevance of the taught programme so far to the conditions and circumstances in their own locality and/or region
  • be able to express ideas on how citizenship principles might be applied in those areas through their own endeavour in leading others
  • be well prepared to undertake project placements, further educational courses or employment

Short Courses

In addition to the core 10 week course in International Citizenship, CIC also runs shorter courses for both adults and young people focusing on leadership and international citizenship issues.

Courses can be tailored to the needs of specific groups.

Please see below for further information.

  • International Summer University
  • The Emerging Young Leaders Courses
  • Courses for Adults

To discuss further please contact College for International Citizenship at 0121 446 2206 /

International Summer University 2013

The International Summer University is a unique programme of study of specialist courses in a variety of topics designed to attract established and aspiring professionals. Specialist courses are combined with intensive English language tuition to provide an exceptional study programme. The ISU is a perfect opportunity to improve language skills, update knowledge and thinking in areas of special interest and have fun with like-minded people from many different countries, backgrounds and cultures.

Please choose one of the following specialist courses:

Emerging Young Leaders Courses

The Emerging Young Leaders Courses are 2½ residential programmes, based in at a residential centre near Birmingham. The course fee of £295 per student covers the delegate package of tuition, accommodation, food and activities.

The courses will enhance citizenship, leadership and speaking skills. Previous delegates have returned to their schools and colleges to set up student councils and workshops for their peers. Head teachers have commented that on returning from the conference their students have played an increasingly effective role in the school, leading and supporting peers and consequently raising their own academic achievement.

‘The course not only impacted upon the way they interact with others at the college, I believe it has had a major impact on their lives’ Principal of Regent’s College, Leicester.

In addition to classroom work the programme also focuses on a number of outdoor activity challenges to develop team building and leadership skills. Outdoor activities are led by experienced outdoor professionals to ensure the activities are safe, informative and memorable. Leadership, team building and persuasive speaking are then consolidated in engaging classroom activities.

For further information please contact the College for International Citizenship at 0121 446 2206 /

Courses for Adults

The CIC also runs short term bespoke courses in international and global concerns for businesses and organisations.

Tailored to your specific needs and corporate objectives, CIC can offer a totally individual service.

To discuss further please contact the College for International Citizenship at 0121 446 2206 /