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Environmental Sustainability - why this matters to us:

Extreme weather, air quality and wider climate change are increasingly likely to impact participation levels, and when & where activity takes place. The impact of climate change upon community-based sport will affect people’s capability and opportunities to be active and could exacerbate inequalities in participation.

Equally, the sport and physical activity sector has a significant environmental impact that reinforces these effects. From energy use by sports facilities; travel by participants and workforce; the production and consumption of sports equipment, goods, and services; to the creation of waste - we have considerable scope, opportunity, and obligation to create positive change.

This page will have articles, programmes and organisations listed that can help you understand more about climate change and ideas that you can implement at college.

BASIS | The British Association for Sustainable Sport – AoC Sport are members of BASIS who are the membership body of Sustainable sport, this means that all AoC Sport members are now associate members of BASIS and can get access to their webinars and reduce rates on events their deliver. To access your BASIS membership email with your name, email and college.