Blackburn College - Planet Earth Games Activity Day
The Project will be linked to their Planet Earth Games - College challenges. There will be 4 different activities that we will run on different days:
- A beach walk/run with litter picking.
- Eco friendly Yoga class - Outdoor Yoga class on the college gardens. Avoiding use of electricals and paying for room booking.
- Timed walk litter clean up contest- Go to local park (Witton)/town centre in teams of 2. Whoever collects most rubbish wins a prize.
- Planting flowers or vegetables in local area- stealthily in superhero costumes.
The project is running to increase physical activity whilst having a positive impact on the environment.
These activities look to increase physical activity in students who may not usually be very active, with the added bonus of having a positive impact on the environment. staff will support delivery but these activity will be led by their student ambassadors