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Environmental Sustainability Roadmap 2025 - 2030

AoC Sport’s environmental sustainability roadmap is a guide to support our goal to be environmentally sustainable. We will be following AoC’s Sustainability Policy , BASIS’s 12 principles and Sport England’s Every Move Strategy to help provide guidance in ways of working that can impact our overall priorities.

In our strategic framework we identify that environmental sustainability will be achieved by following the five guiding principles of the United Nations Sports for Climate Action Framework in everything that we do:

  • Undertake systemic efforts to promote greater environmental responsibility.
  • Reduce overall climate impact
  • Educate for climate action
  • Promote sustainable and responsible consumption
  • Advocate for Climate action through communication

Our goal is to create an offer that aligns with the needs of our staff, members, and their students, whilst minimising our impact on the environment. Recognising the challenges of achieving, net zero or carbon neutral status, we acknowledge that not all our objectives can be accomplished simultaneously. Therefore, we are committed to a phased implementation of our solutions over the next five years, with the aim of being carbon neutral by 2030.

The roadmap will make reference to each function of AoC Sport, stating what we currently do and include targets we want to achieve with information of what action we will be taking to reduce our environmental impact. At the end of the document you will find a graphic followed by the list of actions and who is responsible.

We have identified seven key areas within our operations where actionable goals can be set to effectively monitor, track and reduce our organisation's carbon footprint.

  • Meetings - Networks, internal meetings as well as with member colleges and partners
  • Competition structures - Fixture creation, league and cup planning
  • Delivered sporting events - Regional Tournament, LDO's, National Championships and Cup Finals
  • Development Events - SLP Development Days, Conferences, Partner Events (hosted and attending)
  • National Representative teams - ECFA (football), Hockey and Netball
  • Office Space - Review office impact, energy (lights and water), waste management processes
  • General working practices - Everyday working for all staff
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To support our work in promoting and influencing members and partners in taking climate action we will also:

  • Train all AoC Sport staff to become Carbon Literate
  • Establish our baseline in Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. Setting a baseline for reduction targets
  • Collate and share case studies showcasing sustainability best practice in Colleges
  • Work with partners such as BASIS to share our work, inspire and encourage others to take climate action.
  • Share information about climate change through our communication channels.
  • Work with Planet Earth Games to encourage AoC Staff and member colleges to take climate action.
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