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Runshaw College

At Runshaw College, all college enrichment comes under ASPIRE, a personal development framework, and supports skill development.

Active citizenship

Social and emotional development

Physical, sexual and mental health


Respect tolerance and democracy

Employability and careers

The college has an extensive list of enrichment academies catered to meet the need of a wide range of students and tastes, and an online enrichment platform that comprises of online resources to support students with their skills development and explore their interests. This includes access to online courses from Future Learn, the Open University, Coursera, alongside opportunities from employers, national organisations and HEIs. The platform also provides access to careers pathways, giving students access to enrichment which is bespoke to their chosen career path and encourages engagement, which is particularly useful for adult learners.

Runshaw College has an enrichment team who deliver face-to-face enrichment throughout the college year as well as national events, awareness days and student support such as health talks. This is a great investment by the college and demonstrates the leadership team's commitment to enrichment.

All activity is measured via the Employability and Careers Triangle which records all activities that has been completed via the ASPIRE programme and the skills students have developed from it. Working closely with employers and HEIs, the college has mapped the employability skills required against enrichment activities so that students can develop and demonstrate them which is tied to progression and destinations.

The college is now in the process of developing this further into a 'Skill Scan' so that students are also able to view their employability skill development progress, to support their learning. The data provides a valuable tool to demonstrate to senior leadership the value of enrichment and ongoing investment in this area and it provides an incredible tool for students to demonstrate the skills they have gained as they leave college and go on to their next steps in education or employment.
