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College international surveys

International Survey Report 2025

The latest International Survey Report, published by Association of Colleges (AoC), describes the international activity of UK colleges for the 2023/24 academic year and captures some reflections on the future of international engagement within the college sector. It is our seventh annual report about the sector’s international links.

Despite ever-growing interest in the UK’s international skills offer and the role that colleges play in delivering technical and vocational education, there continues to be little information available about its scale and value compared to data for higher education (HE) export. This survey seeks to fill that gap.

A strong cohort of colleges continue to work successfully in the international arena (despite a complex and challenging operating environment), valuing opportunities to diversify their student population, income streams and student mobility offer.

Note: survey data varies year on year depending on which colleges respond and the level of international work they undertake.

Survey highlights:

  • Over half of colleges who responded to the survey engaged with international work in 2023/24.
  • The key drivers to work internationally are generation of commercial income, diversification of college culture and provision of student mobility opportunities for students.
  • The average college international income (excluding overseas campus operations) is £805,000 (based on 44 responses).
  • China continues to be a key country for international work and an important market for sponsored student recruitment and for overseas campus or online provision.
  • European partnerships are strong with Italy, Germany and Spain important countries for international recruitment and student mobility programmes.
  • Colleges value effective partnership working and 79% of colleges sustain international work with particular countries as they have developed good working relationships and programmes with them.
  • The most common type of activity is student mobility, with 77% of respondents engaged in student mobility projects (based on 44 responses).
  • Of the 44 colleges who reported engaging with international work, 66% hold a student sponsor licence of which 82% issue fewer than 50 CAS per year.
  • The most popular level of course offered by colleges is Level 3. Level 4 and Level 5 courses are also a key part of the offer for international students.
  • Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), business and economic subjects remain popular choices for international students.
  • Colleges remain places of sanctuary for many and 87% reported welcoming asylum seekers and refugees (based on 81 responses).
  • 80% colleges engaged in international activity have staff dedicated to international work, supporting the development of partnerships and ensuring a strategic approach to global engagement.

AoC International Survey Report 2025 (academic year 2023/24)

Previous years international survey reports:

The impact of Erasmus+ in UK FE colleges, An AoC report October 2019

A snap survey of college participation in the Erasmus+ Programme. The survey analysed the use of Erasmus+ by colleges, the difference the programme makes to the college community and mobility scenarios should the UK exit Erasmus+.

The impact of Erasmus+ in UK FE colleges, report 2019