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College 16-18 English and maths surveys

AoC English and Maths Survey Report 2022

Delivering on current English and maths policy continues to be a major challenge, particularly for 16-19 year olds. The ambition to support every young person to improve their English and maths skills is shared across the sector, but the policy and delivery issues continue to be complex. The focus on GCSE as the gold standard is not helping. The low profile of Functional Skills qualifications, combined with reformed specifications and poor achievement rates hinders their wider use.

The condition of funding rules and the impact on success rates of hundreds and sometimes thousands of young people taking re-sits is also problematic. The sheer logistics and cost of re-sits and the pressures on staff continue to be cause for concern.

Two key themes emerge from this year’s survey. Many colleges highlight concerns regarding reformed Functional Skills and whether Level 1 and Level 2 maths in particular are fit for purpose. Colleges would also like to see a modular and contextualised GCSE to better meet student needs and aspirations.

AoC English and maths survey, report 2022

Previous years college 16-18 English and maths survey reports: