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Research Further Scholars

Rachel Arnold

English lecturer, English teaching and learning coach, Solihull College & University Centre

Engaging the disengaged - what happens when the teenagers become the experts: An intervention tackling the failure mindset of GCSE resit learners in FE.

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Suki Dhesi

Vice principal, Havant and South Downs College

Exploring how to make technical education more culturally inclusive for 16-19 year-old FE students.

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Lliam Dickinson

HE pathway leader, Barnsley College

Developing digital skills through E Sports: an exploratory study.

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Caroline Dunstan

Lead learning and development practitioner, Riverside College

Reimagining professional development in Further Education through the lens of teacher identity.

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Neale Gardiner

Policy research and business intelligence lead, Edinburgh College

The impact of FE on regional inequality.

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Dr Martin Hoskin

Senior Teaching Fellow, University of Portsmouth (formerly Head of teaching, learning and quality, Havant and South Downs College)

Leading educational change and improvement from the ground up.

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Pat Jones

Principal and Chief Executive, Weston College

Achieving sustainable financial health for the further education sector.

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Laura Kayes

Group Research Practitioner, Luminate Education Group

Whose knowledge matters: a critical exploration of college-based class, knowledge, and power in the education inspection framework.

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Stephanie Marshall-Whitley

Education and Training Lecturer, Truro and Penwith College

From novice to nurtured: supporting early career teachers' growth in FE through mentorship.

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Katie Stafford

Deputy principal, New City College: Hackney Campus

How the complexity of the FE policy system impacts upon curriculum manager workload.

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Catherine Lloyd

Vice principal, Shuttleworth College (part of Bedford College Group)

The delivery of agriculture courses in English Further Education Colleges at a time of significant change in the wider agricultural sector.

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Rachel Whitton

Curriculum manager: professional studies and education, Warrington & Vale Royal College

An exploration into the strengths and limitations of Hyflex delivery.

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Amy Woodrow

Teaching and learning manager, City of Bristol College

I can't put my finger on it: how occupational culture can be developed through vocational further education and college teaching.

Amy Woodrow headshot

Lynette Leith

Vice principal - curriculum, Hull College

An investigation in the role of core and character education in context of narrowing non-technical skills gaps and tackling socio-economic inequalities in education outcomes for FE students.

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Sian Mantovani

Sociology lecturer, York College

Narratives of non-belonging: An ethnographic study exposing a blind spot in current institutional awareness of the experience of students of colour in a predominantly white FE college.

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Evan Wood

Curriculum leader creative industries, Barnsley College

How does teaching practice within the Creative Industry Sector of Further Education recognise, prioritise and apply best practice within the scope of educational culture?

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