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Digital Technology

In the 21st century, the importance of digital literacy and competency cannot be overstated. As we navigate an increasingly digital world, FE institutions must prioritise equipping students with the digital skills they need for their personal, professional and civic lives.

Working closely with Jisc we help colleges to use digital technology to work efficiently and to innovate in teaching and learning. We share and consult on Government policy on the use of technology through briefings, national groups and conferences. We also run a Technology Reference Group with support from Jisc to discuss hot topics, share best practice and engage with key stakeholders like DfE.

About Jisc

The UK digital, data and technology agency focused on tertiary education, research and innovation.

Jisc: Further Education and Skills

Principles for the use of AI in FE colleges

These principles have been created by Jisc in partnership with the AoC Technology Reference Group. They are intended for colleges to adopt as a statement of intent, guiding strategic direction. They aim to help colleges navigate challenges and maximising the opportunities of AI. They are centred around fair and responsible use of AI, giving a framework to provide learners with the AI skills they need to thrive, and to allow college staff to take full advantage of AI their daily activities.

Principles for the use of AI in FE colleges

The Jisc Award for Effective Use of Digital Technology in FE
Beacon Awards 24/25 Finalists

Beacon Awards Winner 23/24: Hull College

Hull College is leading the way on support for refuges and asylum seekers. The implementation of Microsoft Translate has removed language barriers and empowered more than 1000 ESOL students to successfully engage in education and access key services. This technology is used across college and helps students integrate into college life, enhancing their sense of belonging.

Technology Reference Group

The AoC Technology Reference Group provides a forum to work with Government Departments, agencies and partner organisations on policy formation and implementation issues.

Technology Reference Group