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Peter Symonds College A LEVEL and Vocational qualification results


Remarkable Performance by Peter Symonds College Students

A level and vocational qualification results for 2022 at Peter Symonds College are once again absolutely outstanding. The pass rate for A level stands at over 99% with 40% of the grades awarded being at A* or A. The proportion of the very highest grades (A*, A, B) is an impressive 67%.

Overall statistics 2022

A level (full) pass rate


A level

Grades A*-C


A level

Grades A*-B



  • 40% of A level grades awarded were at A* or A.
  • 16% of A level grades were the very top A* grade – 854 A* grades overall; our students are stars.
  • Two-thirds of A level grades were either A*, A or B: the very top grades needed to get into the best universities.
  • Over 70% of grades awarded for the Extended Project Qualification were at A* or A.
  • In the new T level qualification, there was a 100% pass rate with ten out of eleven students gaining a distinction grade.


Principal, Sara Russell said:

“This year group has had an educational experience like no other – the first to have its GCSE exams cancelled, and the first to be asked to sit full A level examinations, and all sorts of COVID arrangements to navigate in between.

Against a national drop in A level performance, we are proud that we have bucked this trend and our students’ grades are as high as last year: indeed, the proportion of A* grades has actually increased with almost 1,000 securing this top grades.

I can’t begin to tell you how delighted I am for them. The results you see today are the best ever attained by our students.

It is a very proud day for the college, the staff and the parents. But above all, it is a remarkably proud day for our students. Their tireless hard work, focus and dedication really has paid off. I am thrilled. This shows that Symonds remains the perfect place for ambition.”