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How colleges can support economically inactive women into work

28 January 2025

By Jane Knight, Founder, Successful Mums Career Academy

When I reflect back to when I had my first child, I can vividly remember the challenges that came with juggling my home life while trying to get back to work. My confidence had taken a dip, the cost of childcare was sky high, the roles I wanted to apply for did not offer any flexibility, and the thought of stepping back into education felt incredibly daunting.

It shouldn’t be assumed that women will bounce back to work after having a child; someone may have a great CV or had a senior job before, but that does not mean they will be work-ready once they have decided to return to the workplace. Like a postpartum Jane, they may feel lost and not know where to turn.

According to the National Office for Statistics, there are currently 808,000 economically inactive women in London alone – that’s 25.7% of women aged between 16 and 64. Over a quarter of these women are not in work or looking for work, as they say they need to look after their families or home.

And here’s the other hurdle: many of these women don’t even know about the employability support or learning opportunities available to them. They’re left in the dark, thinking their careers are potentially over. This limited awareness poses a real problem for colleges. If they don’t actively reach out to this group of women or position their offerings as accessible and relevant, they will fail to engage.

In 2014, I created a training company with a goal of helping 100 mums back to work. I saw a real need for support in this area, particularly for women like me, in the playground, who felt disconnected from their careers and didn’t know where to start. Fast-forward 10 years and my team and I have helped over 10,000 mums (and dads) rebuild their confidence and find employment. Engaging with economically inactive women hasn’t been without its challenges, but thanks to platforms like Instagram, Facebook and other online communities, along with community events that these women want, we’ve been able to build strong connections online and in our community.

So how could further education colleges learn from our success?

Understanding your audience and the barriers they face is crucial when looking to engage with economically inactive women and helping to create the next employee and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. We speak to them in a language that resonates, addressing their specific barriers such as confidence, care advice and childcare and offering real, practical solutions and real-life employer guest speakers.

One of the most common barriers I see in mums is a lack of confidence. Many lack self-belief after a long break from education or work, fearing they won’t succeed or worrying they’re "too old" to learn. For some, the sheer thought of returning to a place of learning after negative experiences in their younger years is extremely off-putting. Colleges that fail to address this with tailored support miss opportunities to engage with these women.

Confidence-boosting workshops or courses which help to address these negative notions will make a world of difference to women who are struggling to step foot in the door. Once they are over the threshold, this is where education providers can make the most impact by introducing mums to career opportunities they might never have considered or thought were out of reach. This is sideways social mobility, opening doors to careers they didn’t even know existed and showing them the way.

Time constraints also pose a huge barrier. Economically inactive mums often juggle childcare, household responsibilities and caring for other family members, leaving little time for study. Without part-time and flexible options like evening classes, online learning or childcare support, attending college becomes impractical.

And of course, there are financial barriers. Many mums in this group may not be able to afford tuition fees, transportation or additional costs like textbooks and equipment. Even if courses are free, other significant expenses like the cost of childcare can deter them from enrolling.

Many mums want to learn skills that will directly improve their employability or benefit their families, such as vocational training or flexible, short-term courses. It’s also about helping them to realise the many transferable skills they’ve developed while raising their children – valuable skills they can take with them into the workplace. Parenting teaches you a lot, but mums don’t always realise just how much they’ve learned. I often tell them not to underestimate themselves. Skills like negotiation, organisation, event management (birthday parties, anyone?), budgeting, networking, and creative problem-solving are second nature to mums. And let’s not forget conflict resolution– an absolute must when children are involved! These skills are invaluable in the workplace, and training providers should be encouraging mums to reflect that on their CVs.

Colleges can also continue to lead by example by being forward-thinking, flexible employers. These establishments can provide a supportive, community-focused environment where skills like organisation, multitasking, and communication, honed through parenting, are highly valued. For the employers we work with, offering some type of flexibility unlocks new talent, a positive business brand and growth for the future.

In November 2024, the Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall published the Get Britain Working White Paper, marking the government’s first major intervention to achieve an ambitious 80% employment rate. Colleges will significantly contribute to this. Breaking down barriers for economically inactive women takes effort, but the rewards, for the mums, the dads, the carers, their families, education providers and the wider community, are significant.

The past 10 years have given me new insight and perspective which has shown with the right support, anything is possible. It’s about changing lives, creating social value and inspiring the next generation. Becoming a mum shouldn’t limit your career, it should enhance it.

For further information, please visit Successful Mums | Successful Mums