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Post-election hub

Welcome to our post-election hub where we’ll be hosting all the resources you’ll need to engage with your new and returning MPs.

Following the general election on 4 July we now have a Labour government for the first time in 14 years and over 300 new MPs. Alongside those incoming MPs, we have returning Labour and Conservative MPs who will be swapping places on the government and opposition benches, as well as a big increase in the number of Liberal Democrat MPs who now form the third party in the Commons (ahead of the SNP).

Such a significant number of new MPs is a big opportunity for us to build relationships and secure new advocates for our sector in parliament. The Labour Party has made a number of big commitments in their manifesto that will have an impact on our sector. As always, we’ll be working with new government ministers to ensure these reforms work for the sector, and we’ll need your support with that.

It is also vitally important that in the months and years ahead we have backbench MPs, both on the government and opposition benches in the House of Commons, holding the new government to account, ensuring that they understand the issues their local colleges are facing, and the central role colleges will have to play across a range of public policy priorities.

Colleges across the country did incredible influencing work during the election campaign – we saw over 50 hustings taking place in colleges across the country, alongside a very large number of candidate visits and meetings. To help with your next steps, we’ve pulled template resources and information together here on our MP engagement zone.

If you have any questions, please contact



Visit our resources page where there is a range of resources including draft letters and guides to help you and your college engage with your new MP.

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Opportunity England

Our July 2023 report, Opportunity England, and our April 2024 follow-ups, 100% Opportunity and our in-depth policy papers, set out the current challenges of the current system, recommendations for change and a conclusion that we need a tertiary education system that serves the needs of all individuals and the economy.

Click here


Party conferences 2024

Interested in attending party conferences this year? This will be the first party conference season after the general election and offers an important chance to get face time with new MPs. This page contains important information on what they are and why you should attend.

Click here


Post-election – write to your MP

Following the general election, it’s a good idea to write to your local MP(s) – whether they are new or have won their seat again – to congratulate them. We’ve drafted some welcome letters to support you with that.

Click here