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We need an urgent review of every single T Level, says AoC

16 July 2024

T Levels 2

In response to the 'Delivering Skills for Growth' report David Hughes, Chief Executive, Association of Colleges, said:

"This report makes a compelling case, which we agree with, for the role T Levels need to play in the future but it underplays the implementation problems which have beset the complex changes needed. So, whilst T levels are successfully being delivered in colleges up and down the country and providing a fantastic opportunity for thousands of students, some T levels will not deliver the outcomes this report and every college wants.

"Not every T Level has been designed well and, in some sectors, other qualifications will be required alongside them. Clearing the way by defunding all other qualifications assumes that the T Level can meet all the needs of priority sectors, and that is simply not true. Good examples are the T Level in Building Services Engineering for Construction, which in its current form will not deliver the electricians that the labour market needs, and the T level in Health, which does not cover social care and will not meet the skills gap there either.

"We have long advocated a true social partnership approach to getting the T levels to work for young people and their progression into work, apprenticeships, and higher education. That means more engagement from government with employers, unions, and colleges to design the content, assessment and work placement arrangements which will deliver the high quality we all want to see.

"That’s why we are pressing for an urgent review of every single T Level to ensure that they deliver the outcomes that this report and its authors are aiming for. Our ask is for an evidence-based, subject-by-subject approach to ensure that all available T Levels meet the needs of students and key industry sectors.

"Colleges and the broader education sector stand ready to work with the new government to deliver the ambitions this report rightly sets out – to ensure we have a body of qualifications delivering for students, industry, and the economy."

A full A-Z of further education can be found here, and a cheat sheet of key policies and issues in FE can be found here.