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Update on 2024/25 college pay talks

21 May 2024

Funding boost

David Hughes, Chief Executive, Association of Colleges, said:

“AoC met with the college staff unions* on Monday 20 May to begin pay negotiations for 2024/25. There is strong agreement between employer and staff representatives on the need to improve pay in the FE sector, and AoC has been campaigning consistently for the pay gap between school and FE teachers to be eradicated.

“Last year, the government was able to find additional funding to ensure that the pay gap between school and college teachers did not get even wider, and we want to give them the chance to do so again this year. Therefore, we will not be making a recommendation until the STRB report has been published.”

*The NJF comprises of AoC, UCU, Unison, NEU, Unite and GMB.