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There's consensus that a system-wide approach to FE reform is needed, says AoC

21 May 2024

David Hughes 5

David Hughes, Chief Executive, Association of Colleges, said: “Thanks to campaigning across the entire sector, the spotlight on further education is brighter than it’s ever been. FE has started to secure the additional funding it needs from the government, there is now recognition of the crucial role colleges have to play in their communities from the prime minister and cabinet ministers, and a seat at the table for FE leaders when major decisions are made in education and skills.

“However, there is still more to be done, and I echo the case the ETF's Further Education and Skills: Changing systems of change report makes for building a more coherent, higher trust environment within which colleges can operate, and ensuring the sector has the adequate funding that will enable us to redress the stark pay gap that exists between schools and colleges. In our recent report, 100 per cent opportunity: a case for a tertiary system, we argue that a system-wide approach to reform is needed and set out key underlying principles which could sit behind this. Today's report underscores the broad consensus that exists across the sector here, and the commitment across the sector to taking this forward.”