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Skills Funding Agency Survey: Online Apprenticeship Management

10 September 2019

The Skills Funding Agency is designing a new service to help employers engage with apprenticeships online. When the service is live, it will help you find out more about apprenticeships, recruit apprentices and manage funding. As part of their research they'd like you to talk about your experience with apprenticeships. It doesn't matter whether you're a small, medium or large business, whether you've had apprentices before or whether you've never considered it - you can help them design their service in line with your needs. You can help them by: · Taking part in an interview - they'll come to you for no more than an hour (please Email Vanessa Clynes) · Testing and feeding back on new designs - they can visit you, or you can do this online (please email Vanessa Clynes) · Filling out their survey. It takes no more than 10 minutes to complete. Your feedback will help shape the new service by providing the Skills Funding Agency with a deeper understanding of your business needs. Survey closes: 15 September 2015