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IFS annual education spending report - AoC responds

23 September 2019

Today the Institute for Fiscal Studies released a report on annual spending on education in England, providing a detailed analysis of each stage of education. In response to the IFS report, Chief Executive of AoC, David Hughes said: "Today's report from the Institute for Fiscal Studies shows the reality of a decade of cuts to colleges. The consequences of the decline in spending and real term freezes has meant fewer adult learners, squeezed budgets and lack of resource to provide the skills the country needs. While the Chancellor's recent spending announcement of £400 million for sixth forms and colleges was welcome and a further £100 million for teacher's pensions a step in the right direction it must be followed by long-term investment to reverse ten years of continuous cuts and reform. Only this kind of investment will give thousands of people the opportunities they deserve." You can read the full IFS report here. AoC's Deputy Chief Executive, Julian Gravatt has summarised the report here.