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IfATE bill paves the way for Skills England, says AoC

09 October 2024

New skills body

David Hughes, Chief Executive, Association of Colleges said: “The bill presented in the House of Lords today on the transfer of the functions of the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) is significant because it paves the way for Skills England, a major part of the government’s plans for skills reform.

“We want to see Skills England become a powerful advocate and player across government, bringing about positive and long-lasting change across tertiary education to support a cultural shift in England. Put simply, we need a new lifelong learning culture, and Skills England should help us achieve that, alongside the other key partners like employers, unions, colleges and universities.

"To achieve that, government must focus on a clear purpose, a strong position across government and a true social partnership with people who can influence and encourage others to act. If all of those are done well, then the prospects for Skills England and its ambitions are good.

"We are looking for an early indication that it will be a truly cross-government body, working in collaboration with stakeholders across tertiary education, bringing skills to the heart of industrial strategy and growth, opportunity and the other missions set out by the government. It also needs to generate research and insight on skills needs so that public funding can be prioritised and more investment by employers stimulated.

“Across AoC, we will continue to support the establishment of Skills England; its success will be vital to a more inclusive and prosperous future.”

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