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EPI Annual Report on the state of education - AoC's statement

30 July 2019

On 30 July, The Education Policy Institute has published its Annual Report on the state of education in England. Steve Frampton, President of the Association of Colleges said: “This EPI report makes for stark reading. It could not be clearer – continued chronic under-investment in colleges risks an entire generation of left-behind citizens. Colleges are doing incredible things, in the toughest of circumstances, but cuts have consequences and that inevitably means the reduction of services that support some of the most disadvantaged young people in the country. The new Prime Minister spoke on the steps of Downing Street of “answering the last plea of the forgotten people and the left behind towns”, “levelling up” wages and productivity, and “closing the opportunity gap”. There is only one way to do that… by investing in further education colleges. Report after report, expert after expert have been saying the same thing – it is high time the government acts now.”