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DfE's technical education statement - AoC comment

19 June 2019

“The Minister of State for Apprenticeships and Skills, the Rt Hon Anne Milton, wrote to AoC and other national stakeholders today with some news on the government's technical education plans. The letter confirms the Department for Education's commitment to implementing the Post 16 Skills Plan published in July 2016, including a new framework of 15 technical routes involving new T-level qualifications. The letter announces a change to the timetable in that the first T levels will now be introduced on a pilot basis in September 2020 rather than in 2019 which was the earlier plan. The change does not affect the final deadline which is full introduction in 2022. The Minister's letter provides more information on the overall plans and also confirms decisions announced two weeks ago on work placements and quality improvement. The letter is available here. Anne Milton letter to sector 20 july 2017.pdf Anne Milton letter to sector 20 july 2017.pdf (PDF,341.92 KB) AoC's Chief Executive, David Hughes, said "the Minister's decision on the timetable is the right one and is a welcome response to the request we made on this issue in June. The technical education reforms are vital to help our country become more self-sufficient in skills and to give more young people the transition into working lives that they deserve. This reform will require a massive effort because of the complexity of the change, but also because we also collectively need to challenge the snobbery and unfairness which goes well beyond the education system. AoC and college leaders look forward to working with DFE and others to make a success of this reform; the partnership approach that DfE and Ministers have taken is very refreshing."