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Colleges and Brexit - an AoC position paper

19 June 2019

The UK has been a member of the European Union for 45 years so the process of exit will be difficult and raises big questions about the UK’s economy and education system. Brexit will bring economic change and a new approach to migration. If that was not enough, the fourth industrial revolution, international competition and the need for people to retire later will require changes in how the UK organises education and training. These are big long-term issues which AoC will address in a paper to be published in February 2019. In the short-term, there are number of immediate Brexit-related issues which need to be addressed. • Access to education• Outward mobility• Recruiting and retaining teachers• Regional funds• VAT, state aid and procurement This 7 page paper explains the issues in more detail, outlining the current situation and what we think the Department for Education, Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Home Office and Treasury should do. AoC colleges and brexit position paper 5 nov 2018.docx.pdf AoC colleges and brexit position paper 5 nov 2018.docx.pdf (PDF,103.64 KB) AoC colleges and brexit position paper 5 nov 2018.docx AoC colleges and brexit position paper 5 nov 2018.docx (DOCX,117.84 KB)