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AoC Sport coronavirus update - 01.03.21

01 March 2021

Following last week’s published roadmap out of lockdown, AoC Sport has been in touch with DfE regarding the provision of sport and physical activity in colleges from 8 March and have received the following clarifications. The FE Operational guidance only refers to indoor sport, what are the rules on outdoor sport? The same rules apply to outdoor sport, the guidance document will be updated shortly to reflect this. Can colleges resume outdoor team training and enrichment activities within Covid secure measures? Yes they can, as long as it is part of education or training provision during the period 8 to 29 March. After that point this will be reviewed and restrictions eased, if the public health picture allows. We continue to seek guidance from DfE regarding the playing of competitive, inter-college indoor sport. We know that 12 April is the earliest this will be permitted (subject to further review) and await guidance on the age groups to which any easing of restrictions will apply. AoC Sport is currently planning for a return to outdoor team sport. Details of our plans, including an opportunity to provide feedback, will be shared with appropriate network groups and member colleges.