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AoC responds to T Level delays announcement

09 March 2023

Responding to the announcement that four T Levels due to start in September will be delayed, David Hughes, AoC Chief Executive said: “The Department for Education is right to ensure only T Levels of high enough quality enter the market. Sadly, though, colleges will be massively disrupted by this announcement happening so late in the year.

"Colleges already had plans in place for how to deliver these now delayed T Levels and have been marketing them to potential learners. Alternative arrangements will now need to be made urgently. DfE must guarantee any providers which are affected have the support they need to ensure no student misses out on learning because of these delays.

“This delay highlights the risks involved in implementing new qualifications and shows why T Levels need to be tested fully before other qualifications are defunded. That requires at least two full cohorts of students to complete each T Level before we can be sure that it is secure and working well.

“We also need to see more engagement of colleges in the establishment and rollout of T Levels. The vast majority of T Level students will study in colleges, so it is vital that DfE, IfATE and awarding organisations work closely with them as key providers to ensure that these new qualifications are fit for purpose and any issues around quality are addressed earlier on in the process.

“T Levels are an important addition to the qualification landscape. Colleges have played and will continue to play a crucial part in their rollout and delivery.”

Notes to editor

A link to the education secretary's written ministerial statement can be found here.