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All Change - challenge or opportunity?

09 October 2020

College life is a constant merry-go-round of updates, reviews and consultations in addition to the day job of keeping a multi-million pound organisation running smoothly. Colleges offer a wide range of education and training opportunities within their local communities. Colleges are resilient and have expert leadership. However, as a sector, we currently face an unprecedented amount of change: area-based reviews and mergers; devolution and changes to adult education funding mechanisms; T levels; linear A levels; continuing review of applied general qualifications; external assessment; English and mathematics condition of funding; varied local authority practice for funding high needs students; the impact of the apprenticeship levy and the move to standards; the new HE regulatory body, the Office for Students and most recently a review of level 4 and 5, post-18 funding review and a new careers strategy. At the same time, colleges are the key vehicle for driving forward productivity and social mobility. From entry level to HE, 14 to adult, study programmes and apprenticeships to HNDs and degrees; we are under the spotlight, our opinions sought on each and every issue. But while DfE now has oversight of this complex patchwork of strategic and policy changes and reviews, who has the overview? Where are the opportunities to discuss the impact of all this change in the round and on colleges, their staff and most importantly students? Who is joining up the dots? The AoC Spring Policy Forum offers an opportunity for senior college leaders to come together and discuss the key issues facing the sector today: T levels, apprenticeships The review of levels 4 and 5 Inspections for the future English and maths 2020 The future of 16 to 18 education The potential impact of Brexit on all of the above It is an opportunity to find out more about the post-18 funding review from Phillip Augar, the Chair himself, as well as the work being done to support mental health and well-being within colleges. Hear from and discuss with DfE officials and Ofsted and help to shape policy for the prosperity of the communities we serve. AoC/ETF Spring Policy Forum, 20 April 2018, University of Nottingham – Humanities Building AoC and the Education and Training Foundation are hosting a policy and leadership conference designed for Principals, Vice Principals and equivalent. The event is priced at £99 +VAT. This conference will provide participants with the opportunity to hear the latest strategic and operational updates from senior leaders in the FE space, as well as valuable networking time with peers and a chance to see students in action at the AoC Sport National Championships 2018. For futher information, click here.