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5Rs project launched to help improve maths skills

15 February 2022

Association of Colleges is working with The Education Endowment Foundation and the University of York to evaluate a year-long programme called ‘The 5Rs - a revision year approach to GCSE Maths resits’ focusing on revision and key GCSE maths content.

The programme is manualised intervention which aims to support students resitting their GCSEs to improve their attainment and outcomes. The curriculum model is tailored to the specific needs of GCSE maths resits students. It consists of both a set lesson structure, lesson content and revision resources, and three short initial diagnostic tests, which are used to determine where a student is currently sitting in terms of ability. We are seeking 80 post-16 settings to take part in the evaluation of this programme.

The programme content is built on the 40 most common topics in GCSE exams and common exam pitfalls. The programme also introduces students to alternative methods for undertaking common but tricky calculations, such as multiplying numbers and adding fractions.

Eddie Playfair, Senior Policy Manager at AoC said:

"This is a great opportunity for post-16 providers with students retaking GCSE maths to help evaluate the 5Rs revision year approach. 5Rs builds on 40 key topics which students need to understand and helps them to develop their mathematical skills and fluency. Selected centres will benefit from training and resources to implement this popular approach as part of a national research study."

More information can be found: or email