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Colleges Week 2025: building brighter futures


Session recordings and presentations

During Colleges Week we hosted a series of free webinars celebrating the central role colleges across the country must play in all five of the government’s missions. Colleges from around the country shared expertise and best practice. You can watch the recordings below:

  • Webinar one: Colleges' role in kickstarting the economy - Monday 3 March, 10-11am. View the presentation and recording.
  • Webinar two: Colleges’ role in becoming a green energy superpower - Tuesday 4 March, 4-5pm. View the first and second presentation. Watch the recording.
  • Webinar three: Colleges’ role in taking back our streets - Wednesday 5 March, 4-5pm. View the first and second presentation. Watch the recording.
  • Webinar four: Colleges’ role in breaking down barriers to opportunity - Thursday 6 March, 4-5pm. View the first and second presentation. Watch the recording.
  • Webinar five: Colleges’ role in building an NHS fit for the future - Friday 7 March, 10-11am. View the first and presentation. Watch the recording.

Colleges Week 2025 will take place between Monday 3 and Friday 7 March. The week will celebrate the impact colleges have both in their local communities and across the country.

Using the government's five missions as a framework, the week will focus on one mission each day, highlighting the fundamental role colleges have in building brighter futures for their students, for their staff, and for their local communities.

The government's five missions

  1. Kickstart the economy (Monday 3 March)
  2. Become a green energy superpower (Tuesday 4 March)
  3. Take back our streets (Wednesday 5 March)
  4. Break down barriers to opportunity (Thursday 6 March)
  5. Build an NHS fit for the future (Friday 7 March)

Get involved

There are lots of different ways you can get involved in Colleges Week 2025 and we have resources to support you with this:

Engage your local politicians:

  • Invite them into the college for a visit. We have drafted this template invitation
  • Invite them in to take part in a ‘skills share’ session with your students. You can find more information on that here.
  • Write to them to highlight our priorities for the upcoming Comprehensive Spending Review. We have drafted this template letter for you to use.
  • Let them know how your college is delivering on the missions. We have this template document you can use.

Secure local media coverage:

  • Share your mission case study document with local media outlets.
  • Invite them into the college for any Colleges Week events you are holding.

Make some noise on social media:

Get local employers involved:

Get involved in our competition:

As always, the week will be a brilliant opportunity to showcase the great work your college does day in and day out to help people to train and upskill, to support employers and to strengthen your communities. This will be particularly important ahead of the government’s spending review in the spring.

We will continue to update this page with resources and plans for Colleges Week. If you have any questions, things you would like to see, or resources you would like us to provide, please contact us at