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Strategic Careers Network Group - FES Connect

Venue: Online via Zoom

Date: 3 December 2024

Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Fee: Free to attend

The Association of Colleges (AoC) is delighted to be working in partnership with the Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC) to launch a national network for strategic careers leaders in post-16 education.

As well as being a part of the network and its benefits, CEC is offering network group members access to their data dashboard allowing you oversight of careers education performance relating to your college/college group to compare your performance with the sector. The dashboard will:

  • Compare benchmark performance with the sector.
  • Compare benchmark performance across colleges within a group.
  • Give graphical representations of benchmark performance.
  • Visualisations of blockers to improved benchmark performance.
  • Valuable data set for external bodies.

The network group is open to senior leaders with responsibility for strategic careers leadership in post 16 education or training.

Click here to submit an expression of interest to join the group.

Join the conversation and stay up-to-date with the latest news: @AoC_Info


  • Support achievement of high-quality careers education and continuous improvement underpinned by careers impact maturity model for colleges
  • To showcase examples of what is working well across the country to elevate careers education best practice
  • Deliver opportunities for collaboration and discussion between providers and across regions
  • Provide opportunities to bid for funding and projects to support careers education development
  • Receive strategic updates from The Careers and Enterprise Company and AoC.

Delivered through:

  • A national network for strategic careers leaders in colleges and 6th forms
  • 3 online meetings annually (all dates must be attended – dates outlined below)
  • Updates and information on policy and national developments through collaboration with stakeholder groups
  • Newsletters showcasing best practice & upcoming events & activities
  • First refusal on new projects, opportunities and careers insights
  • Resources, information, training and support on the CEC Resource Directory
  • CEC data dashboard – subject to signed MoU.

What we ask of you

  • You must be able to attend all three Strategic Careers Network Group meetings (dates outlined below)
  • Be a senior leader in post 16 education. (Please note this group is not for career advisors/leads etc, please head to our Promoting effective careers practice (FES Connect) Hot topic series 2024/25 webpage for opportunities related to these roles).
  • Sign up to receive a data dashboard allowing you oversight of careers education performance relating to your college or group of colleges and compare your performance with the sector
  • Contribute to the community and share best practice with a commitment to raising quality of careers education across the sector.

If you can fulfil the above asks and you’d like to be a part of the network group please submit an expression of interest form via the button below and we will be in touch via email with the outcome.

Please note that spaces are limited and the closing date for expressions of interest is the 25th November 2025.

Click here to submit an expression of interest form

Online meeting information:

Strategic Careers Network Group Meeting 1 l Tuesday 3 December 2024, 16:00-17:00

In this, our first strategic careers network group, we will set out terms of reference, receive strategic updates from The Careers and Enterprise Company and the Policy Manager for Careers at the AoC. We will share plans for the group and there will be opportunity for sector voice and to shape future work.

Strategic Careers Network Group Meeting 2 l Tuesday 25 February 2025, 16:00-17:00 (date subject to change)

Description: The regular meeting format will include strategic updates from The Careers and Enterprise Company and the Policy Manager for Careers at the AoC. In this 2nd meeting, we will focus on data dashboards, quality improvement using the internal leadership review & Gatsby next 10 years.

Strategic Careers Network Group Meeting 3 l Tuesday 20 May 2025, 16:00-17:00

Description: The regular meeting format will include strategic updates from The Careers and Enterprise Company and the Policy Manager for Careers at the AoC. Further content of this and meetings for 25/26 will be shaped by the group, taking into account national agendas, college priorities and direction of travel. Guest speaker – AoC Beacon Award winner for Careers Excellence.

In addition to our Careers Strategic Network group, we host a series of free ‘Hot Topic’ webinars, promoting effective careers practice which is open to all. To sign up please click here – Hot Topic Webinar Series 24/25.

For any further information on the Strategic Careers Network Group (FES Connect). please contact