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Schools T Level Foundation Year Network (Introductory Session)

Venue: Online

Date: 19 November 2024

Time: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Fee: Free

The Schools T Level Foundation Year network is a collaborative platform designed to facilitate the sharing of best practices, resources, and positive outcomes among providers. This network serves as a space for questions, troubleshooting, and active participation in shaping session agendas.

Key Features:

  • Co-Hosted by Experts: The network is co-hosted by one of our AoC T Level advisers and experienced providers, offering route-specific support.

  • Regular Meetings: Meetings occur termly or more frequently as needed to address emerging needs and topics.

  • Resource Sharing: Members are encouraged to access and share resources in our dedicated space.

  • Chat Forum: Connect with other network members by joining our Microsoft Teams forum for engaging discussions.

  • Focus Area: Session agendas are shaped by members to address emerging needs and topics.

Join the Network: If you are unable to attend this meeting but wish to join the network, please click here and fill out the subsequent form. This will ensure you are notified of future meetings and given access to network resources. Alternatively, please email using the subject heading Join a Network.

We look forward to your active participation and contributions to make this network a valuable resource for all.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact

Target Audience - Those involved in the planning or delivery of a T Level Foundation Year from a school setting