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Education and Early Years T Level Assessor Network

Venue: Online

Date: 15 January 2025

Time: 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Fee: Free

Join us for an hour-long online event designed for Assessors in Education and Early Years, providing a platform for meaningful collaboration focused on the delivery of the T Level in Education and Early Years. This is the third in a series of 5 events.

These events will encourage targeted conversations around bespoke themes, offering a supportive environment for sharing best practices, resources, and solutions. Participants will have the chance to organise workplace shadowing opportunities and deepen their understanding of awarding body expectations regarding documentation and moderation.

This session will feature guest speaker Emma Kerswell, Lecturer for Education and Early Years at Petroc College, who will discuss the importance of working together and how the collaboration between the teaching team and assessors is essential.


  • Align assessor requirements effectively with all aspects of the T Level in Education and Early Years.
  • Share, design, and implement documentation that ensures tracking and assessment processes are fit for purpose.
  • Build a collaborative network to foster solution-driven thinking, supportive guidance, and shared feedback for external stakeholders.
  • Ensure assessors feel supported and not isolated in their roles.

Target Audience: This online event is ideal for Assessors in Education and Early Years, including curriculum leads and lecturers responsible for assessment.