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AoC Audit Committee Masterclass May 2025

Venue: Online via Zoom

Date: 12 May 2025

Time: 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM

Fee: Starting at £55 + VAT for AoC members

In this interactive masterclass, Tom Morrison of Stone King and Richard Lewis of RSM UK will take you through the audit committee roles and responsibilities and how to meet them.

“The audit committee must advise the corporation on the adequacy and effectiveness of the corporation’s assurance framework. The audit committee must play a robust role in good stewardship and risk management ….. [the committee] advises and supports the corporation in explaining, in its annual accounts, the measures taken to ensure it has fulfilled its statutory and regulatory responsibilities.” - (Post 16 Audit Code of Practice, para 22)

College audit committees have a key role acting as the independent and objective conscience of the board. Most committee members are full governors and also have the joint and several responsibilities of governors and charity trustees. The remit of the college audit committee is not quite the same as that of most corporate audit committees and it is important that board members and management understand the role and responsibilities.

In addition to discussing the audit committee roles and responsibilities and how to meet them, the session will also look at the relationship with auditors, how to use auditors to gain assurance and there will be plenty of time for discussion.

Tom Morrison
Partner, Stone King LLP
Tom Morrison photo

With over twenty years’ experience advising the sector on governance, strategic and commercial matters, Tom is nationally recognised by independent legal directory Chambers and Partners as an expert legal advisor for colleges. As part of the largest education sector legal team covering all areas of need for colleges, Tom supports college Boards and Senior Leaders in both progressive and challenging situations as well as managing projects and supporting effective governance.

Tom Morrison photo
Richard Lewis
Partner, RSM UK Audit LLP
Richard Lewis photo

Richard is RSM’s Head of Academies, Further Education and Skills. He has over 25 years’ experience working in the Education sector including providing financial due diligence and external audit services to Colleges.

Richard has delivered training to the sector in relation to external audit including regularity, college insolvency regime and more recently ONS reclassification of colleges into the public sector.

Richard is a member of RSM’s education steering group who meet to discuss emerging issues in the sector and how they will impact on colleges, which feeds into RSM’s education sector publications.

Richard Lewis photo