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Dr Paul Redmond

Author and Director of Student Experience and Enhancement, University of Liverpool

Dr Paul Redmond is one of the UK’s leading experts on generations, the future of employment, work and the workplace. With a background in educational sociology, graduate careers and student life, he has spent over 30 years understanding the expectations and requirements of HR professionals, the labour market, and those entering employment for the first time.

The Director of Student Experience and Enhancement at the University of Liverpool, Paul is a key part of an increasingly competitive tertiary education market. He is noted as one of the leaders in the field of ensuring university graduates are prepared for the working world, and aware of what is expected and what is possible.

Paul is the author of numerous books including Talking about my Generation and A Parent’s Guide to Graduate Jobs. He contributes to a number of publications including The Economist, The Guardian, the Daily Telegraph and many company in-house and trade publications. A frequent contributor to radio and TV programmes, Paul worked on the BBC documentary looking at the impact of social class on the graduate job market, Who gets the best jobs?