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Useful Resources & Links

Declaration on the common agenda for education and climate change at COP28

The declaration draws from contributions made by member countries and stakeholders of the Greening Education Partnership, and partner countries from the Global Partnership for Education.

FE Governance Toolkit: A Whole College Approach to Climate Action

A toolkit to assist governors to in addressing climate change as a strategic business issue and taking positive action to drive a sustainability strategy

ESFA guidance on energy and carbon reporting for colleges

Aimed at finance directors, principals, and governors of sixth form and further education corporations.

SORTED Guide to Sustainability in Further Education

Specific guidance on embedding sustainability into every aspect of your organisation.

Making the case for business sustainability

A guide for sustainability leaders

Climate Action Roadmap for Colleges

The revised roadmap provides clear actions and guidance on how colleges can respond to the climate emergency and advance sustainability

Climate action roadmap

Climate Emergency Framework

Areas that institutions need to develop their own response to, along with resources to help and guide

Engaging professional departments with sustainability

Guides aiming to foster further collaboration and embed sustainability at a departmental and institutional level.

Saving Energy – a guide for the FHE sector

A brief overview of energy reduction measures on saving energy for colleges and universities in the UK

Climate change adaptation

Why, and how, to effectively embed considerations of climate change risk within your existing risk and business continuity procedures.

Guide for members of governing bodies

A guide to highlight the institutional benefits available through making sustainability a ‘top team, top table issue’, and one that complements and enriches current agendas.

ESD Resources

Sustainability Champion Learning Pack

A self-directed learning resource on wider climate action and awareness for staff and students that form sustainability committees, champion groups and working groups.

Sustainability Champion Learning Pack

Green Careers Guide

A Green Careers Guide has been published to assist careers and student support staff in further and higher education by demonstrating the path to green jobs. The guide takes an all-inclusive approach to ‘green jobs’, covering the benefits, the necessary skills and knowledge, and how to find a green job.

Showing the Path to Green Jobs

A guide for careers and student support staff in FHE aimed at careers advisors, curriculum coordinators, tutors, student support staff to support students on employment on green careers.

Showing the Path to Green Jobs

ESD Curriculum Mapping

The Education and Training Foundation (ETF) has developed the Map the Curriculum tool to offer a way for providers and practitioners to understand where ESD content is found in their curriculum.

ESD Curriculum Mapping

The Fusion Skills: Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit

Provides information, tools and signpost to help you understand your current ESD practice as well as to identify opportunities to promote and embed ESD in your teaching and work.

The Fusion Skills: Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit

Sustainability Leadership Scorecard

Sustainability leadership scorecard is an online tool for further and higher education to measure your institutions sustainability performance.

QAA Collaborative Enhancement Projects: Education for Sustainable Development

QAA funded a range of collaborative enhancement projects focussed on ESD.

QAA Collaborative Enhancement Projects: Education for Sustainable Development

Student-led SDG and sustainability curriculum mapping overview (2023-24)

An overview of SOS-UK student led SDG and sustainability curriculum mapping and support package.

Student-led SDG and sustainability curriculum mapping overview (2023-24)

Media Links

Climate change: We need to take action urgently

The climate emergency requires immediate action, but it also provides significant opportunities for colleges.
TES blog by Steve Frampton

Steve Frampton

BBC Climate Change programmes hub

Including the documentaries 'Extinction Rebellion: Last Chance to Save the World', 'Swedish Teen's Climate Protest' and 'Me vs Climate Change'

BBC Earth Day

Including the documentaries 'Ade on the Frontline', 'Climate Change - the Facts' and 'I am Greta'

The Little Books of Green Nudges

A simple guide to reducing your institution environmental impact through behavioural change, encourage sustainable practices among student and staff.