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This area has been developed to support chairs, governors, governance professionals and all those who are engaged with college governance.

The comprehensive and up-to-date resources include case studies, guidance notes, templates, policy papers, surveys and webinars. They are organised according to the following 10 principal responsibilities of good governance, as stated in the Code of Good Governance for English Colleges, 2015.

  1. Formulate and agree the mission and strategy including defining the ethos of the college.
  2. Be collectively accountable for the business of the college taking all decisions on all matters within their duties and responsibilities.
  3. Ensure there are effective underpinning policies and systems, which facilitate the student voice.
  4. Foster exceptional teaching and learning.
  5. Ensure that the college is responsive to workforce trends by adopting a range of strategies for engaging with employers and other stakeholders.
  6. Adopt a financial strategy and funding plans which are compatible with the duty to ensure sustainability and solvency of the college.
  7. Ensure that effective control and due diligence takes place in relation to all matters including acquisitions, subcontracting and partnership activity.
  8. Meet and aim to exceed its statutory responsibilities for equality and diversity.
  9. Ensure that there are organised and clear governance and management structures, with well-understood delegations.
  10. Regularly review governance performance and effectiveness.

There is also a dedicated area for training materials for governance professionals.

Please email AoC's Governance Team if you think there are gaps in the resources or have any other comments. Alternatively, call us on 0207 034 9900.