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Leading the Leaders: using mentoring to empower and develop - case study by Youth Social Action Mentor

Leading the Leaders: using mentoring to empower and develop

Case study by Florence Smith-Drayson

It has been recently described in an AoC blog about the value of mentoring with it “offering a comprehensive support system that reflects the unique needs of their mentee”. Previous apprentices that were part of the Phase 1 programme of Youth Social Action Apprentices have taken on the role of mentors, and were trained in techniques for mentoring, ready to support the new wave of apprentices. Florence Smith-Drayson was a Youth Social Action Apprentice at Leeds City College, Harrogate College, Leeds Conservatoire and Leeds College of Building and progressed into the role of Social Action Coordinator at Leeds City College, with part of the role involving mentoring apprentices Phoebe and Charlotte, in the South West and East respectively, and ambassadors in London and North East.

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