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DfE T Level and T Level Foundation Year – how to plan for success and be ready to deliver

The podcast series DfE T Level and T Level Foundation Year – how to plan for success and be ready to deliver, is part of the T Level and T Level Foundation Year Provider Delivery Support, delivered by the Association of Colleges and funded by the Department for Education.

The purpose of these podcasts is to support leaders of providers that are in the early preparation stage of their T Level and T Level Foundation Year journey. In this series, we hear from a range of current providers and explore their experience of how they managed to plan and deliver brand-new T Level and T Level Foundation Year curriculum with personal advice and guidance to support your planning.

The podcast series can be listened to below, on Spotify, or by searching DfE T Level and T Level Foundation Year on any podcast provider.

Information and advice to support T Level and T Level Foundation Year students' progress to positive destinations

In this episode Mark Hughes talks to Roz Hicks, Head of Media, Business and Digital Industries at City College Norwich and Mark Taylor, Head of School, Construction, Engineering, Science, Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing at Preston College. They explore progression strategies and approaches that they have used to support students to successfully progress from T Level Transition Programmes to T Level Pathways and also from T Levels to higher education, apprenticeships and employment.

Marketing strategies to support the communication and recruitment of T Level & T Level Foundation Year students

In this episode Mark Hughes talks to Christine Kenyon, Deputy Principal for FE, The Manchester College and Phil McPherson, Assistant Principal, City of Stoke-On-Trent Sixth Form College. They talk about how their organisational approach to raising the profile of T Levels and T Level transition programmes and strategies they’ve used to recruit students onto these courses.

What to consider when designing and delivering effective and successful T Level programmes

In this episode Mark Hughes talks to Guy Marshall, Curriculum Lead at Ashton Sixth Form College and Robert Ind, Head of School at Cranford Community College about how to design and deliver effective and successful T Level Foundation Year. They talk about how they ensure their students are T Level ready through assessment methods, contextualisation of English and maths and developing work skills.

What to consider when designing and delivering effective and successful T Level programmes

This episode covers what to consider when designing and delivering effective and successful and T Level programmes. Mark Hughes speaks to Andrew Bristow, Director of Built Environment, Thomas Telford UTC and Neil Johnson, Assistant Principal Young People, Barnsley College. They discuss the various roles that employers play in T Level design and delivery, as well as how they induct students and what they do to prepare them for industry placements.

The importance of strategic intent

This episode explores the importance of having strategic intent behind successful T Level and T Level Foundation Year launch and development.

Mark Hughes speaks to Kirstie Kohling, Assistant Principal for Quality and Curriculum, Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College and Ashley Grute, Assistant Principal Vocational Curriculum, HSDC.

They discuss how they have decided which T Levels and occupational specialisms to deliver, as well as the rationale behind which T Level Foundation Year they offer.

T Level and T Level Foundation Year Provider Support Programme