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- Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan
The Letter
By Michal Slawski, HRUC Uxbridge College
On the old wooden dark rusting desk the letter lay there flat and I felt like it was looking at me to read it. The dark fancy desk had been there just shut for a long time because the lock was showing through rusting and covered in nasty mould. The key on the wooden desk had been over grown with mould like a stone at the bottom of a swamp. The smell of the old cabin smelled like dead bodies rotting in the walls and the smell hit my nose like a boxers punch. When I picked up the key it was tough as to how hard it was over grown. I pulled it out with a bit of the desk. I started to put the key in the lock and I couldn’t, I had to use all my strength to put it in. The only thing I heard was the scraping sound of the key seizing my ears as I tried to turn it in the mouldy hole of the lock and I couldn’t twist it. My fingers were hurting from trying to twist the key. Finally I gave up on opening the drawer. I will never know if there were any letters or what was in there.
In a letter found years later, the notorious warmongering and genocidal dictator tries to explain his actions.
On the old wooden dark rusting desk, the letter lay there… hard to read and a little smudged with mould:
Dear Anneliese,
I don’t understand why you pushed me away. I loved you with all my heart. I’d do anything to be with you. You’re the only woman who makes me feel happy. Your smile shines twice as bright as an angel heading over to the sun. When you smile it makes me happy. When I hear you laugh it relaxes me and calms me. When I touch your hands it feels like cushions and you smell like something I have never smelled - better than a factory of perfume making the best perfumes in the world.
Those 3 years I was with you I was the happiest human alive. I don’t know what I did wrong to deserve to get dumped. Now you will regret what you’ve done. I will start a war like no one’s ever seen and every loving couple will fall…