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The Bunker
By Charlie Mills, Weymouth College
This is the story of when I found an amazing discovery. It was a despicable day in the woods and I was walking in the woods. With the dew of rain dropping on my head. I dodged and ran faster to avoid getting wet. Outside the weather calmed down. I sighed with relief I took a deep breath and carried on. I stood and looked up at the monstrosity of trees above me that kept me safe from the outside world. The forest and a great walk are a great relief of stress for me and fresh air helps your health massively. I jogged on again. All of a sudden, I tripped and stumbled down a hill and frisked through the air landing and dropped down a leaf covered hole and blacked out.
I slowly woke up with blurry vision and sat up. I felt my forehead flowing through my fingers thick blood gushed off my head onto hand. I gasped and tried to move my leg. The stabbing pain through my head and leg was so painful I couldn’t stand up. My leg was sprained and with excruciating pain I managed to stand up. Inside I don’t know where I am but luckily, I have a torch in my pocket. I turned my torch on it flickered in the distance. The stench of rotten egg flowed through the air.
I continued on it seems like it was some sort of bunker. I found a crate and opened it I came across some sort of letter. I picked it up it looked to be some sort of aerogram by the style of letter. It was a letter from WW2 May 1944. I dropped the letter in shock. I must be in some sort of WW2 bunker. How do I get out? What will I find? I looked in the distance and shined my torch. Fog emerged. Unexpectedly a Soldier in unform and ran towards me with anger and went straight through me. I fell back and touched my body in shock.
I sat up and limped and ascended more into the bunker. I came across some more crates I found weapons and armour that is still intact this must have been a supply area for soldiers. I covered up some of the weapons and the soldier’s letter. I put this in my bag. If I can find a way out of this bunker I can go to the police and tell them what I have found. After going around endless hallways of this bunker I could finally see the light peaking at the end. With blood still gushing from my head I ripped a piece of my trousers and wrapped it around my head and leg. I cried in pain
I covered my eyes as the sun was blinding my eyes. How long have I been gone? I looked into the distance to find an abandoned airfield. I fell to the ground in disbelief. Is anyone going to find me?