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Newspaper Article
By Phoenix Turner, Tresham College
The zodiac killer is at large once again, claiming another person’s life!
And now being able to identify the Bloodthirsty killer!
The famous Villain strikes again murdering a yellow cab driver Named Paul Stine (29) on Washington Street + Maple Street at approximately 9:30pm on Saturday. At first the police thought it was an apparent armed robbery. Until they Received a letter form the stone-cold killer.
“This is the zodiac speaking.
I am the murder of the Taxi driver over by
Washington st+ Maple st last
Night, to prove this, here is a blood stained, piece of his
Shirt. I am the same man who did in the people in the North bay area.
The S.F. Police could of caught me last night if they had…”
This is the piece of letter we were given. We are currently waiting for the rest of the written message, as we only received half of the note.
Furthermore, the killer indeed did leave a piece of blood-stained shirt and we are waiting for the police to confirm if it is indeed, Paul Stine’s.
Paul’s logbook, will also be handed in as evidence to the police. Anyone who, saw or could inform us about anyone who saw zodiac in the area, could you please come forward, and make a statement.
Zodiac, shot Steve in his head right behind his right ear. No witnesses saw or heard the shot that claimed Paul’s life Police are still working on tracking the bullets to the firearm that did the awful deed. The killer moved from the backseat towards the front did, they finally have some witnesses their ages, being 16-, 12- and 8-year-olds (names redacted). They were on the third floor of the residence across the street, they saw the Zodiac rifle through his pockets. That’s when one phoned the police, whilst the others descended down onto the main floor for an advantage point. They watched the man wipe down the inside of the cab with some type of cloth, then he started propping Stine’s body upright, making him look like he was at the steering wheel, then walked around to the driver’s side of the cab to re-Align Stine’s body as he slumped over, that’s finally when he shut the door and cleaned the exterior of the cab. When zodiac was finally happy, he left the scene leaving Stine to die.
Police dogs, have been searching the area, and in the woods of San-Francisco, Presidio. As a middle-aged blond man was caught, jumping over the wall into the military reservation shortly after Stine was shot.
The witnesses have left statements and were able to share a drawing identifying the man in question. If you see him, please do not approach as he is deemed incredibly dangerous, stand away and immediately call the police.
Will this cold-blooded killer return again? If so, where? When? After all you could be the next victim for the new found killer, the Zodiac.