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Dear Earth Mother
By Megan Shadden, City College Plymouth
Dear Earth Mother,
It is day 110 million that species homo sapiens has been alive
And I can’t help but wonder if our spaceship crash landed
Or if this was truly an atomically contrived divine plan
We’ve infested you with our ignorance and disease
Somewhere forgetting how to live harmoniously
Sharp buildings jut out like hungry jawbones
Keeping us snared inside
I’ve never felt so alone
Behind the doors of our cages
We comfort ourselves with hypnotic screens
Each one screams
And we do
Not thinking of the consequences for me or for you
But the factory fills the boxes
And the plane flies the packages
To the courier that gives us our thrill
Just for it to end up in landfill
After only a few weeks
You cry,
“I can’t breathe!
I can’t breathe!”
Carbon chokes your lungs
While we rip out another tree to harvest fossil fuels and give us more energy
We know you as a home to every creature great or small
Powerful wings spread from the mighty gull,
As it lets out a magnificent battle cry
Once an ocean hunter, now deemed rats of the sky
Compared to scurrying pests
Thieving and stealing
Searching desperately
But we must not forget human’s history
We pillaged the seas
Casting our vast nets so selfishly
And lined our shelves with cling filmed fish
In unforgivable quantities
These pests of the sky
Fly victim to greedy hands
That will do anything to deflect responsibility
We live our lives so separately
From you, Earth Mother
Yet our very particles are intrinsically made of each other
I fear that the damage is done
That we’ve met our fate
Is it too late?
From each blade of grass
To ivy armoured tree limb
To boundless sky above
And ancient depth of the sea
There is still a chance for Earth and me
If we remember our roots collectively
We must take only what we need
Of Earth Mother’s abundance
For she provides us with ample armfuls of sustenance
If we go back and live off of the land
Apart of nature’s divine plan
We can grow a brighter future
For us and Mother Nature
Earth Mother, you feel broken
This I know to be true
But all of me vows to love all of you
Because every breath I breathe,
Every molecule of me
Is part of you
Forever, faithfully, fervently yours,