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Skills Matrix

The ‘Creating a Greener London- Sustainable Construction Skills’ programme seeks to develop innovative, local approaches to the delivery of green skills training.

The programme is targeted at young people from lower socio-economic backgrounds, studying in low-level provision, to enable them to access skilled, green jobs in the construction sector.

The purpose of the programme is to meet the needs of students, employers, and colleges in delivering green skills training, through the development of practice. It aims to provide insights into how the local ecosystem can support young people from lower socio-economic backgrounds to access skilled employment while meeting the Government’s objectives around achieving net zero and delivering green skills to meet the demand for green jobs.  

The pilots have established local collaborative partnerships, to identify existing and emerging green job opportunities available, as studies show that people who face disadvantages, including those with low qualifications, may miss out on the opportunities presented by the green economy. This programme will improve progression opportunities for learners studying at Level 2 and below while helping to fill local and national skills gaps in green construction.

The Skills Matrix below has been developed by the college pilot groups, with the support of their employer partners. It gives a comprehensive overview of the opportunities for progression pathways from level 2 onwards for Green Skills in the Construction Industry and forms the basis of delivery in further phases of the pilot project.

Retrofit green skills matrix

The retrofit skills matrix offers a comprehensive overview of the opportunities for progression pathways from Level 2 onwards for green skills in the construction industry and includes the personal development skills required to meet progression routes.

Find out more here

Renewable energy green skills matrix

The renewable energies skills matrix offers a comprehensive overview of the opportunities for progression pathways from Level 2 onwards for green skills in the construction industry and includes the personal development skills required to meet progression routes.

Find out more here

Careers in green skills pathways

This resource is a roadmap into the various green careers for the construction industry and can be used to identify progression pathways for information and guidance purposes.

Find out more here