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Student Governor Support Hub

Welcome to the Student Governor Support Hub!

This dedicated page is your go-to resource for supporting and recruiting student governors. Featuring a collection of short videos and engaging talking heads, our hub provides valuable insights and practical advice to help member colleges enhance their governance practices. Dive in and discover how to foster a dynamic and inclusive governance environment!

Student Governor Talking Heads

Recruiting student governors is a significant challenge for governing boards. To address this, we have created a series of engaging talking heads. Hear directly from current student governors as they share their motivations for applying, their accomplishments in the role, and insights into how the college supports and empowers them.

Student Governor Recruitment Video

Jessica Bennett - Student Governor Presentation

Christopher Lam - Student Governor Presentation

Student Governor Inductions

The student governor inductions aim to support student governors to feel more prepared, equipped and confident to fulfil their role on the college board. Please click here for more information on the 2024/25 programme.


The Sixth Form Catholic Association has posted a blog on the importance of student governance. To gain further insight into student governors' impact, please read here.

To register your student governor for the AoC Student Governors' Network, please email