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UTCs are an experiment that hasn't worked. Proper investment in colleges is needed, AoC urges

20 May 2019

The Education Policy Institute’s (EPI) have released a new report, 'UTCs: are they delivering for young people and the economy?'. In response, Julian Gravatt, Deputy Chief Executive, Association of Colleges, said: "University Technical Colleges are an experiment that hasn't worked. The Education Policy Institute's report shows in some detail ‎that most UTCs underperform in terms of both under and over 16-year-olds. Given the high level of support given to them by DfE and the capital funding allocated by the Treasury, this is obviously disappointing. “In response to these findings, EPI recommend a major change of purpose for UTCs. They say that recruitment at 14 should end and that they should specialise in Level 3 technical education for 16-to-18-year-olds. This needs careful thought before going ahead. Some UTCs already offer high-quality ‎technical courses but the 16-to-18 sector of education is already a chaotic and underfunded market. “Colleges have worked effectively with DfE to rationalise and improve their provision via the area review process and are now preparing for the technical education reforms. What is needed now is not an unplanned addition of new institutions but proper funding and a dose of planning.”