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Sickness Absence Survey 2014

19 June 2019

This ninth national sickness absence survey looks at member colleges’ experiences of sickness absence. The survey aims to identify the key issues that colleges may need to address, to ensure the effectiveness of sickness absence management processes. The survey reports on the academic year 2013/14, with the analysis period 1 August 2013 to 31 July 2014. The survey is available on the Excel spreadsheet below and must be completed electronically, as it contains in-built formulae that will automatically calculate many of the fields. Information on how to complete the survey is also contained within the spreadsheet. Annual AoC Survey of Sickness Absence 2013-14.xlsx Annual AoC Survey of Sickness Absence 2013-14.xlsx (XLSX,263.12 KB) The deadline for completion of the survey is Friday 28 November 2014. Colleges should complete the survey on the spreadsheet attached, ensuring that the data has been saved. The file can then be emailed to Constantine Pernientakis, Employment Research Analyst. If you have any questions or queries about this or any other employment related survey, please contact Constantine Pernientakis on 020 7034 9900.