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Golden Hellos

19 June 2019

The Golden Hello scheme is available for newly qualified teachers of maths, or teachers thinking about becoming a maths teacher. A payment of up to £7,500 is available if the following eligibility conditions are met: Applicants are graduates Hold a full FE teaching qualification enabling teaching maths to GCSE level Are employed in a teaching capacity by a publicly funded FE provider Teach maths GCSE for 50% or more of their timetable Started their first omit teaching post in the period 1 April 2014 – 30 Sept 2015 as a qualified maths teacher Remain in continuous employment for 2 years If during the first two years' employment as a maths teacher an individual also completes a specialist training programme that allows then to support students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) then the Golden Hello payment may be increased to £10,000 Full details of the scheme including eligibility conditions are available at The scheme is being managed by the Education and training Foundation. Further advice on the scheme can be obtained by calling them on their helpline 0300 330 1877 or accessing the FE Advice website entry at